Memotong Garis ( Trim )
Perintah trim kita gunakan untuk menghapus bagian garis yang berpotongan dengan menggunakan garis pembatas. Garis pembatas ini berfungsi sebagai batas pemotongan garis yang akan di hapus
Ribbon: Home > Modify panel > Trim
Ketik ‘TR’ pada command promt
Muncul text pada command promt
Command: TR
Current settings: Projection=UCS, Edge=None
Select cutting edges ...
Select objects or: 1 found klik radius (1)
Select objects: 1 found, 2 total klik radius (1)
Select objects: enter
Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or
[Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/eRase/Undo]: klik garis (A)
Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or
[Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/eRase/Undo]: klik garis (B)
Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or
[Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/eRase/Undo]: enter
Select objects or
Select objects: 1 found, 2 total klik radius (1)
Select objects: enter
Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or
[Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/eRase/Undo]: klik garis (A)
Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or
[Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/eRase/Undo]: klik garis (B)
Select object to trim or shift-select to extend or
[Fence/Crossing/Project/Edge/eRase/Undo]: enter
Select objects or
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